Everything You Need to Know When Applying to the Bronx High School of Science
Everything You Need to Know When Applying to the Bronx High School of Science REACH OUT FOR FREE CONSULTATION Why Bronx High School of Science? Founded in 1938, Bronx High School of Science is one of the top-rated high schools in New York and has been ranked as the best STEM high school in America. […]
How To Ace The SAT In 2023: Our Step-By-Step Guide To Scoring 1500+
How To Ace The SAT In 2023: Our Step-By-Step Guide To Scoring 1500+ How to Improve SAT ELA Section Score If you’re looking to gain admission into the college of your dreams, then it’s time to start preparing for the SAT. With all the changes that have taken place over the past few years, it’s […]
An In-Depth Look At Stuyvesant High School – AP & Admissions Process
An In-Depth Look At Stuyvesant High School – AP & Admissions Process REACH OUT FOR FREE CONSULTATION Why Stuyvesant? Founded in 1904, Stuyvesant has been considered a symbol of excellence in education for over a century. It is a top high school in New York with a strong immigration population. The school has a primary […]
SHSAT Schools | Specialized High Schools in New York City
SHSAT Schools | Specialized High Schools in New York City The 9 specialized high schools in New York City including, (1) Bronx High School of Science, (2) Brooklyn Technical High School, (3) High School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering at City College, (4) High School of American Studies at Lehman College, (5) Fiorello H. LaGuardia […]